
Stazione zoologica di Napoli A.Dohrn

The Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, founded in 1872, is a public research body, supervised by the Ministry of University and Research. The Stazione Zoologica is among the most important research institutions in the world in the fields of marine biology and ecology.
SZN conducts research in marine biology, ecology, biotechnology and conservation, in collaboration with national and international research institutions, SMEs and industries.
The mission of the SZN is to improve our understanding of the biological systems of the Mediterranean Sea and the evolution of life to improve the sustainable use of resources in the Global Ocean.
SZN is part of several international research networks and coordinates the Italian node of the ESFRI research infrastructure EMBRC (European Marine Biology Resource Centre).
The SZN has been successfully involved in over 20 EU-FP7 projects also as leader institution, and it is actually involved in several EU-H2020 projects.
The role of SZN in the national and international context is well recognized and will become even more crucial in the future because of the increasing importance of the oceans and their life in global processes, which are vital for the future of humanity.
As a consequence, the conservation of marine ecosystems, the correct management of their resources and the understanding of the impacts of global climate change can support the decisions needed to mitigate the impact of these changes on our life and economy.
SZN is known for the outstanding quality of marine biological research.
SZN scientists have, in fact, a very high scientific productivity, with an average of 2.6 ISI publications per researcher per year (source Web of Science, ‘ISI journals’ with Impact Factor) in the last 2 years.
The quality of the results produced by the SZN is also documented by the level of scientific journals where they have been published, with an increasing trend of publications in top leading journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS.

Associated beneficiaries

Consorzio di Gestione dell'Area Marina Protetta di Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo

The Marine Protected Area of Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo was established in the north-east of Sardinia on
12 December 1997 by decree of the Ministry of Environment.
It is managed by a Consortium among the towns of Olbia, Loiri Porto San Paolo and San Teodoro.
The important natural values, enriched by a spectacular landscape make this area of international
importance for conservation. The Area Management, in recent years, has implemented significant
measures to protect guided by a new philosophy that supports the care and protection of the territory, the
idea of a use sustainable in the long run. From this perspective, the Consortium Management has provided,
in the activities of monitoring and scientific research, shares with important aspects of communication and
education targeted at potential users.
The National Manager of ‘A.M.P. presents itself as a privileged interlocutor of both the local community and
a many visitors, aware that only the shared responsibility and the construction of scenarios management
and protection of territory are really particular in use and may have a lasting fallout.
It is a zone of special protection for the presence of different species of really importance such as Puffinus
yelkouan, but also coastal dolphin, lobster, grouper and, at least Patella ferruginea, the most marine
threatened invertebrate in the West Mediterraneran Sea (European Council Directive 92/43/EEC del
Conservation of Natural Habitat of Wilde Fauna and Flora, 1992).

Area Marina Protetta Isole Pelagie - Ente Gestore Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa (IT)

It aims the protection of marine flora and fauna, the valorisation of biological resources and geomorphology of the area, promotes the dissemination of knowledge of ecology and marine biology, educational programs, develops and supports programs of study and scientific research, promotes the development of local economy.

Its staff has developed, due to national and European projects, expertise in the field of environmental remediation, studies and research on climate change and sea; awareness and dissemination of knowledge on the marine environment; environmental monitoring for the conservation status of cetacean populations, Posidonia oceanica sea grass, coastal ichthyofauna and alien species, and moreover capacity needs analysis and the application of the latest methods of environmental control.

MPA participated as a beneficiary partner associated with the project Sharklife (LIFE10NAT/IT/000271) the first european project dedicated to the conservation of sharks in the mediterranean sea that aimed the decrease of the mortality rate due to professional and sport fishing; and Tartalife (LIFE12NAT/IT/000937), project financed with the contribution of the LIFE+ 2012 financial instrument, for reduction of sea turtle mortality in the professional fishing.

Costa Edutainment S.p.A. (IT)

The overall goal of Costa Edutainment activity is to answer to the growing demand for a high quality use of leisure time, in which cultural and educational experiences are joined within the spectacle of the setting and the immediacy of the offer.

Among the 12 structures managed by Costa Edutainment, there are Acquario di Genova (, and Acquario di Cattolica ( represent an extraordinary scientific and educational center and one of the main cultural locations visited in Italy.

Its mission is to increase public awareness on conservation of natural aquatic habitats through educational and scientific activities, and to promote positive behavioral changes for the preservation of the environment.

The aquariums plays a relevant role in disseminating the scientific knowledge to the public at many levels, by utilizing dedicated messages and activities, and directly involving approximately 1,100,000 visitors per year (including students) and million of contacts through the institutional web site.

The scientific research and conservation activities in situ are also fundamental. They are carried out in cooperation with other research Institutions or Authorities, which have contributed to the knowledge of the status of aquatic species, developed new non invasive research techniques and supported the actions to promote the set up of areas for the protection of endangered species.

A very active participation to these activities within the scientific community, in contact with international Authorities and supranational Organizations, are fundamental in order to stimulate the implementation of governance policies to protect endangered species.

The aquarium is also very active in the dissemination of the results of the research and monitoring activities, to promote active participation of the general public.

Consorzio Mediterraneo (IT)

The Consorzio Mediterraneo s.c.a r.l. (Mediterranean Consortium), founded in 1996, is the technical and scientific structure of the Lega Pesca (Fishing Association) and combines 15 of the most qualified companies for co-operative research.

It is formed by a co-ordinating head office in Rome and by subsidiary offices and laboratories situated at the associated cooperatives for research that are present throughout the Italian territory (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Latium, Apulia, Calabria, Sardinia and Sicily).

Registered at the National Registry for Research and credited at the Ministry for Agricultural Policies, the consortium collaborates with different universities, with ICRAM (Institute for Research Applied to Sea resources), CNR (the Italian National Centre for Research), FAO, ENEA (the Italian National Body for Energy and Environment), the Ministry for Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union.

It is a partner of UNIMAR, the unitary research consortium of the fishing Associations, that created a National technical and biological observatory on fishing and aquaculture within the measures foreseen by the financial instrument for fishing orientation (SFOP).

The Consorzio operates, directly or through its partners, throughout the country, promoting studies and researches aiming at contributing to the knowledge and in-depth study of problems connected with the fishing sector, with particular emphasis on those of biological, ecological, technological, economical and training nature in order to promote the development and optimisation of fishing, fishing economy, aquaculture and coastline in Italy.

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine/Italian National Research Council – Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnology (IT)

(Cnr) is the largest public research institution in Italy, under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities.

Cnr’s mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources.

In the Cnr’s research world, the main resource is the available knowledge, which means people, with their skills, commitment and ideas.

This capital comprises more than 8.000 employees, of whom more than half are researchers and technologists.

Some 4.000 young researchers are engaged in postgraduate studies and research training at Cnr within the organization’s top-priority areas of interest.

The Department of Earth systems science and environmental technologies conducts studies based on the observation of the Earth and on the comprehension of chemical, physical and biological processes governing our planet.

In these areas, it is the fundamental reference point for Italian and European policies.

The activities range from climate and atmospheric studies to research on aquatic and terrestrial systems.

Fisheries science is one of the main institutional mandates of Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies, aimed at managing and understanding the problems linked to fisheries.

This is a multidisciplinary science involving several disciplines including oceanography, marine biology, marine conservation, ecology, population dynamics, economics and management, to draw an integrated picture of fisheries.

The biology of the different species, their abundance, their ecosystems and, finally, the technical solutions for the reduction of the impact of fishing gears are essential for the management and sustainable use of marine resources.

Legambiente Onlus

Legambiente is the most widespread environmental association in Italy and is recognised as “association of environmental interest” by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea.

It includes more than 1.000 local groups and 20 regional committees, over 110.000 members and supporters.

The main aim of Legambiente is to safeguard biodiversity, protect natural areas, promote an efficient use of natural resources and foster sustainable territorial development.

It has been also working against environmental illegalities, promoting solidarity and peace as fundamental values of our society.

Legambiente carries out national awareness and information campaigns which involve other associations, public administrations, educational institutes and students, companies and citizenship in general.

Among the most known campaigns are Goletta Verde, Treno Verde, Stop the Fever, Puliamo il Mondo, Cento Strade per Giocare, and Spiagge e fondali puliti.

Legambiente acts at local, national and EU levels to lobby for sustainable development, green economy and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Legambiente also promotes territorial management models and is a member of FEDERPARCHI (the Italian Parks and Natural Reserves Federation), IUCN (The International Union for Nature Conservation), FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), EEB (European Environmental Bureau), CAN (Climate Action Network), CIPRA (Alps protection Convention) and many other national and international environmental coalitions.

The association has been collaborating for years with Italian Marine Protected Areas, most of all in the awareness raising about their importance among citizens and in the promotion of sustainable tourism.

It has been working with the fishery sector, with activities aimed at increasing the awareness and competences of fishermen towards a fair fishing. Since 2000, Legambiente has been carrying out several projects financed by the LIFE program.

Marine & Environmental Research (MER) Lab Ltd (GR)

MER is an environmental consulting small private company formed in 2008 and operating in Cyprus.

MER’s team of young researchers comprised by marine biologists and environmental biologists who specialize in the provision of services that relate to the marine environment, fisheries and aquaculture and have been engaging and working closely with local stakeholders of the sectors.

MER has implemented several marine monitoring and environmental impact assessment studies / projects (both local and European such as FP7 programmes) and has good knowledge of local marine communities.

Recently, MER has been the major driving force behind the proposal preparation of an accepted LIFE project (LIFE 16 NAT/CY/000832), entitled RELIONMED, which aims to prevent lionfish expansion in the Mediterranean waters through the support of citizen-scientists and fishermen. MER works closely with the fishery sector of Cyprus.

So far,it carried out governmental tenders which ranged from promoting seafood products by giving educational seminars and organizing festivals to pelagic fisheries data collection.

For instance, MER was assigned by the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) of Cyprus to coordinate and implement a 3-year programme to collect pelagic fishery data in accordance with the Regulation 199/2008.

Through this, and other activities, MER’s researchers have participated in several fishing activities, particularly of pelagic longline targetting tuna’s and swordfish. Recently, MER published an article on the interactions of Alopias superciliosus shark with Cyprus longline fishery).

MER is also participating or coordinating various initiatives to increase social awareness and support for the protection of the elasmobranch’ species worldwide.

Softeco (IT)

algoWatt (ALW), greentech solutions company, designs, develops and integrates solutions for managing energy and natural resources in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. The company provides management and control systems that integrate devices, networks, software and services with a clear sectoral focus: digital energy and utilities, smart cities & enterprises and green mobility. algoWatt was formed through the merger of TerniEnergia, a leading renewable energy and environmental industry company, and Softeco, an ICT solutions provider with more than 40 years of experience for customers in the energy, industry and transportation sectors. The company, with more than 200 employees located in 7 locations in Italy and investments in research and innovation amounting to more than 12% of its turnover, operates with an efficient business organization, focused on its target markets: Green Energy Utility: renewable energy, digital energy, smart grids; Green Enterprise&City: IoT, data analytics, energy efficiency, building and process automation; Green Mobility: electric, sharing and on demand. Different markets, one focus: sustainability. algoWatt is listed on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA) of Borsa Italiana S.p.A.


Università degli studi di Padova-Dipartimento di Biologia (IT)

The scientific objectives of the department encompass most of the fields of modern biology, from the study of the different levels of organisations, from molecules to organisms and ecosystems, to evolutionary ecology.

The main areas of investigation include: Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Anthropology, Ecotoxicology, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology.

The Department hosts undergraduate (Molecular Biology, Evolutionary and Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Natural Sciences) and graduate (PhD) schools.

UNIPDBIO in brief: 11 full professors; 34 associate professors; 34 young and senior researchers; 22 administrative staff and 30 laboratory technicians. The Department has strong links with the social economical context of the region.

Research contracts are stipulated with small and medium enterprises. The Department is heavily involved in providing the scientific knowledge and methods to the governing bodies, contributing to the conservation and environmental management.

The Department has a strong tradition in Marine Biology, thanks to the facilities provided by a field station (Chioggia) and the tight link with the territory.

The Department is involved in more than 100 research projects funded by: – University of Padua – Veneto Region – European Commission: 7° Framework Programme, People Programme – Marie Curie Actions and Horizon 2020 – Italian Ministries: Education and Research, Agriculture and Forestry, Environment, Health – Italian and international research Foundations and Charities and International programme: AIRC–Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro; Fondazione Telethon; Fondazione Cariparo; AFM–Telethon France; LSRF–Life science Research Foundation, USA; Human Frontier Science Programme